Choose your plan!
Unlock premium features to boost your employees productivity and Customer experience. Choose the plan that suits you best!
The free plan
$0always freeStart your journey with Compass's free plan today and empower your users to excel in using your software applications.
- Upto 300 unique active users per month
- 1000 assists
- 3 guides
- 3 knowledge
articles - 3 documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
The standard plan
$120monthlyThis comprehensive plan allows you to experience the power of our Digital Adoption Platform at an affordable price.
- Upto 3000 unique active users per month
- 10000 assists
- 50 guides
- 50 knowledge
articles - 50 documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
The advanced plan
$450monthlyThis advanced plan offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools within our Digital Adoption Platform.
- Upto 15000 unique active users per month
- 50000 assists
- Unlimited guides
- Unlimited Knowledge articles
- Unlimited Documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
For large scale
ContactDesigned for large-scale organizations, this comprehensive plan offers a customized suite of features within our robust Digital Adoption Platform 50000+ assists unlimited guides, knowledge articles, documents
- Upto 15000+ unique active users per month
- 50000+ assists
- Unlimited guides
- Unlimited Knowledge articles
- Unlimited Documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
The free plan
$0always freeStart your journey with Compass's free plan today and empower your users to excel in using your software applications.
- Upto 300 unique active users per month
- 1000 assists
- 3 guides
- 3 knowledge articles
- 3 documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
The standard plan
$100monthlyThis comprehensive plan allows you to experience the power of our Digital Adoption Platform at an affordable price.
- Upto 3000 unique active users per month
- 10000 assists
- 50 guides
- 50 knowledge articles
- 50 documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
The advanced plan
$400monthlyThis advanced plan offers a comprehensive suite of features and tools within our Digital Adoption Platform.
- Upto 15000 unique active users per month
- 50000 assists
- Unlimited guides
- Unlimited Knowledge articles
- Unlimited Documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support
For large scale
ContactDesigned for large-scale organizations, this comprehensive plan offers a customized suite of features within our robust Digital Adoption Platform 50000+ assists unlimited guides, knowledge articles, documents
- Upto 15000+ unique active users per month
- 50000+ assists
- Unlimited guides
- Unlimited Knowledge articles
- Unlimited Documents
- Custom Themes
- Automatic Triggers
- Priority Support